Maker Expo: Rocket 4 the Cure

This past Saturday I spent the day at the Central Library in Chesterfield working at the maker expo.  It was so much better than I expected! Scott and I helped build and launch the rockets…well he helped, I watched (still learning that part!).  Beside us was Mad Science, a group that does all sorts of cool things, one of which was building rockets out of paper and launching with air pressure.  Many of those rockets went really far!  Inside the library there were a variety a makers include chocolate makers, quilt/sewing makers, card makings, robots, jewelry, legos, and more!  I included a picture of my lunch because it was too delicious not to include- seriously, one of the best hot dogs I’ve ever had!

Hopefully a video of the launch will be posted soon…I’m having technical difficulties. 🙂

The rockets we worked with were donated by a group called Rocket 4 the Cure.  Their story can be found here.  Watch the video to see the world record they broke and why they did it, it’s truly inspirational.

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