1 Down, 2 To Go

I have now finished the first month of my internship and only have 2 more to go! This week I did a couple different things. On Saturday I went to the Maker Expo at the Central Library which you can read about here.  Monday I visited Byrd Cellars which you can also read more about here. On Monday and Tuesday I worked on making contacts with community partners for the rocketry competition.  People are very excited about this and so am I! I can’t wait to see how everything comes together.

On Tuesday I also went with Charley to a local market that sells to the public. They have one main grower whose items they sell with other supplemental growers.

Wednesday and Thursday I worked on led activities for the 3 week program I’ll be helping with at Patrick Henry School of the Arts. You can see some pictures below of my beginning creations for the first week.  I also participated in Walking Wednesdays.  This idea is to get county employees moving and staying fit.  Last year they had individuals submit “healthy selfies”…you can see mine below.  We start at a main county building, walk a little over a mile around the government complex, and end up at the farmers market.  It’s a nice walk; there are trails all around, some of which we walked on (nice and shaded for the hot days).

Today I participated in a defensive driving course I’m required to take. Sounds a little boring but it was actually very informative and the guy made it interesting.

Overall, it sounds like I didn’t do much this week but many of these things take a lot of time, plus I’m constantly getting pulled away to complete other small tasks.  Of course, with 4-H camp just over a week away and Patrick Henry Camp starting the same day, things are about to get crazy!

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