Bumblebee Jamboree!

This past Saturday I went to the Maymont Children’s Farm where the Master Gardener’s did an amazing job working Bumblebee Jamboree. It was extremely hot and exhausting but everyone had a smile on their face!

I helped do some of the set-up including the display about pollinators.  I mainly worked at the pollinator table for young children.  The kids got to run around with scarves pretending they were a pollinator (so a bee, butterfly, hummingbird, etc). They went to each flower and touch it with the scarf just like one of the pollinators would do.

They were lots of other fun activities. These activities included: potting your own plant, making a butterfly out of a paper bag, seeing a live bee hive, watching a puppet show, going into a butterfly tent, seeing the animals on the farm (pigs, chickens, & goats), the bug lab from VCU, and much more!

Below are just a few highlights from the day!

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