First Day Fun!

Today was wonderful! We got right to work doing some 4H prep with camp only a month away! In order to get us familiarized with the office and surroundings, myself and the county intern (there are three interns total: 2 through Tech- including myself plus one other and 1 county. The other Tech intern was the county intern for last summer so she is already familiar) were sent on a scavenger hunt! Here are some pictures from our adventures! The garden you see is maintained by the Master Gardeners; they grow and harvest the garden. The office is located along with many other government buildings (a few of which are pictured). There’s an old historical court house which is currently being used (located beside the stockade).  The tree even has a story!  After our scavenger hunt we rode around the area exploring other government buildings that we made visit during the internship.  Furthermore, I discussed with Bethany (the 4H agent) a potential direction to do my project and report for grad school. I am SOOO excited about the ideas we have so I can’t wait to see where they go. In fact, I get to meet with the leader of a program funded through an extension grant to find out more details tomorrow and then head out with the 4H technician Jennifer (or Jae) to explore other programming I’ll be involved in!

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It’s that time again…

After completing this internship last year, I was very unsure what direction I was headed in.  I was looking for jobs in the Richmond area but nothing seemed to be working out…that was until I got offered the opportunity to work at the Chesterfield Extension Office as one of their summer interns.  I love this internship as I have done it twice with Bedford County.  I’m so excited to be in a new workplace where I am able to do what I love and get experience in a new area.

As before, I will post my adventures of my internship and (hopefully) provide some insightful information on the industry.

Here’s to a great summer!