Science Museum of VA

This past week I have been working with rising 9th graders from Providence Middle School.  While we’ve gotten to do some fun challenges over the week, yesterday was extra fun for me because I got to go with them to the Science Museum of VA!  It was so much fun.  I really enjoyed looking at all the exhibits and how the youth interacted.  We also got to watch a 45 minute movie in the IMAX theater called “The Great White Shark”.  The youth loved it and were excited to learn about sharks.  Outside of the movie theater, they had a divers cage where youth could stand in to take a picture with a shark above the cage (see picture below).  Little did they know, that was going to be their STEM design challenge for the day.

When we got back to the school, I had students split into groups, gave them a limited amount of Popsicle sticks, straws, note cards, tape, scissors, and glue.  They had to build a cage that would keep a shark out, have a door for the diver to get in and out of, and it had to hold the weight of a container (so that it could withstand any weight in the water).  They absolutely loved this activity and were able to make the connections from the museum to the project.  They had a limited time to complete the activity.  Only two groups finished the challenges, but three others were close behind.

Pictures from the museum and challenge are posted below.

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